The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, …do good anyway.
Choosing to do good, to give sacrificially, to be kind to those who are undeserving of your kindness…choosing to do these things should not come with the desire to receive praise or adoration in return.
Showing goodness, kindness, and mercy to those who are kind back is easy. What is difficult is when we are given the opportunity to show these things to those who are angry, disparaging, hurtful, or inconsiderate. It’s in those moments when our own character and hearts are tested.
Goodness and kindness can also be hard to show when your “good deeds” go unnoticed, are quickly forgotten, or brushed aside. It’s easy to give up on our compassion and goodwill for others when we give, and give, and give, and get nothing in return. But, God does not call for us to only do good for others when it is beneficial for ourselves. God calls us to show goodness, and mercy to glorify His name. He also says in Matthew 6:4 that “Your giving should be done in secret. Your Father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you.”
Even though the good we do and the kindness we show may quickly be forgotten, or maybe not even noticed by others, we must continue to shine the light of God for all to see. For, in the end, it’s not about the praise and thanksgiving of others, but rather that of the Lord’s.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9