“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3
Where are your thoughts lingering today?
What are you dwelling on?
Is there anything that you can’t seem to shake from your mind?
Did you know that your physical body will follow what your mind dwells upon? It’s a scientifically proven fact that what you focus on, what you think about, and what you entertain in your mind has a direct impact on the physical well-being of your brain.
If you repeatedly tell yourself or others about how tired you are, you will actually start to feel tired. If you focus on the stress your current situation is causing you, you will begin to feel more cranky and your body will start to tense. The body follows where the mind takes it. This is true for both the negative and the positive.
The choice is yours. Do you fill your head with optimism, hope, and joy? If so, you are most likely to be at ease. You are also more likely to be patient, kind, and slow to anger.
Do you focus on bad outcomes, see the worst in situations, and express your discontent for the slightest infraction? If you answered yes, you most likely harbor more anger, bitterness, anxiety, and fear. You may also notice more physical ailments, fatigue, and mental fog.
Isaiah 26:3 tells us that when we focus on the Lord, when we turn our hearts and our minds towards Him, He will fill us with peace. Even in the worst of circumstances, even in moments of great concern, when our minds have been soaked and saturated in the Word of the Lord, in optimism, and in hope, we will feel a deep sense of peace that only the Lord can give.
How do we do this? 2 Corinthians 10:5 says that we are to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. I know that feels impossible but really, it can be easier than you think. When you start calling out those thoughts that bring you feelings of fear, hostility, and negativity and give them over to God, you are taking captive those very thoughts that can radiate through every other aspect of your life. When you confront those negative thoughts head-on, you no longer give them power over you. You are allowing God to take that burden off of your shoulders.
What are you meditating on this Monday? Do you need to focus on something better, more beautiful, or more positive?