About Wendy Norris
My name is Wendy Norris and I can tell you everything that my identity is wrapped up in to introduce you to who I am. I can tell you that I am:
a firefighter
a fire and EMS chaplain
a burn survivor
the CEO of a non-profit
a public information officer
a writer and speaker
an instructor
an adoptee
a mother of an adopted daughter
a homeschooling mom
the wife of a firefighter
The list could go on and I would tell you that I carry a lot of pride with that list, but they are all just titles. After reading this list, would you know who I really am? Would you know that I love Jesus and consider myself to have a deep spirituality but yet I still struggle and wrestle with God almost every day? Would you know that I have a heart for tending to the spirits of young women but that I am terrified of raising my own daughter who is a young teenager? Would you know I feel like God has called me to the work of caring for those who have suffered significant trauma and loss but that I have a fear of death and dealing with my own personal losses? Would you know that I love people but at the same time, I can feel worn down after too much social time?
We all carry these lists and labels for ourselves. For some reason, our labels seem to matter when we introduce ourselves to a new person. My guess is that it probably comes from the drive of wanting to be liked, accepted, and even admired. Those labels can be taken away though, and if we cling too much to them, we can be crushed by a crisis of identity. Trust me, I have been there and to be honest, I am still there some days.
I want you to know that I may have a long list of labels, but those don't really matter much. I want you to know that I care deeply for people that are hurting and suffering. I want you to know that I cling to God, even on the really hard days when I feel broken by the things that I witness. I am a dreamer, an adventurer, and a wanderer (as the meaning of my name implies). I like to speak blessings over others but struggle to do that for myself and my own family. I like to write and share stories and this is why I have decided to get back into blogging.